Travel Pledge
Travelling to and from school is something we all do 10 times each week, 39 weeks a year. That’s a total of 390 journeys. Multiply that by the 210 children we have at Fishbourne Primary School and you realise we are having a huge impact on traffic in and around the village. At Fishbourne, we want everyone to pledge to make these journeys as safe, healthy and sustainable as we can.
Our Problems as a school:
- Cars are parking illegally and dangerously outside the school. (Yellow lines are in place for a safety reason and are enforceable by a Civil Enforcement Officer who can issue a Penalty Charge Notice of £70 for a contravention of the regulations in place. Parking on yellow lines outside schools and in local roads means that views are blocked for drivers and pedestrians – in particular children)
- Families who walk, scoot or cycle may feel unsafe because of the speed of traffic and anti-social parking outside the school.
- Children are not always being carefully supervised on the Fishbourne Roman Palace site.
At Fishbourne Primary School, we want everyone to pledge to make these journeys as safe, healthy and sustainable as we can.
Our Solutions:
- We are very fortunate to be able to use the coffee shop end of the car park at Fishbourne Roman Palace. From here, there is a safe footpath for children and their parents to use to access school. This is a generous arrangement with the Sussex Archaeological Society and we need to be careful we don’t take it for granted.
- On hold at the moment whilst the Roman Palace car park is closed - A Walking Bus every morning, meeting at 8.40am at the Roman Palace car park.
- Children in Class 6, after successfully completing their Bikeability training are given the opportunity to cycle unaccompanied to school with the permission of their parents.
The Pledge:
We would like you to join us in a pledge to ensure that the children at our school can travel safely, healthily and sustainably to school.
- We pledge to always drive safely and abide by the 20mph limit.
- We pledge to observe all the road markings and think carefully about where we park.
- We pledge to park and walk a little to the school.
- When arriving by vehicle to school, we will park at Fishbourne Roman Palace, leaving time to park safely and appropriately.
- We recognise that Fishbourne Roman Palace is private property and that whilst on these premises we must take responsibility for our children.