School Lunches & Milk
Hot lunches are provided by an outside caterer called Chartwells. Chartwells use a system where all parents of children having hot lunches need to order each lunch through an online platform called ParentPay. When your child starts school you will receive a letter with a username and password, and instructions of how to log on and order meals. Meals need to be ordered two weeks in advance. Currently, in reception, year 1 and year 2 (key stage 1) meals are paid for by universal free school meals. When a child moves to key stage 2 (years 3, 4, 5 & 6) parents need to pay for hot lunch orders. Currently, the cost per lunch is £2.97
Children can alternatively bring a home-made packed lunch to school. We promote healthy eating and therefore request that parents endeavour to give their child a healthy and balanced lunchbox. We are a 'nut free' school so please do not pack any items of food containing nuts, also no fizzy drinks or sweets.
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Children in Reception class and Key Stage 1 are provided with a piece of free fruit or vegetable snack every day as part of the “five a day” initiative. Key Stage 2 may bring in a piece of fruit or veg from home to eat during morning break. We also encourage children to drink plenty of water at playtimes and throughout the day. School water bottles are available to purchase via parentmail. We also offer free milk cartons to all children under 5 in Reception class. There is an option of registering your child, when over 5, to receive a carton of milk, this applies to all classes. Please take a look at for more information.