Sports Day

What an afternoon sports day turned out to be!
Large storm clouds loomed after weeks of beautifully hot weather – we were relieved the children wouldn’t be too hot! A carousel of activities gave the children the opportunity to compete collaboratively in their house teams and scoop up as many points as they could – throwing the javelin, obstacle courses, penalty shoot out – to name just a few!
Points were awarded for sporting achievement and demonstration of our 5 core learning behaviours: positivity, courage, determination, collaboration and reflection! Following this, we enjoyed the class relay races: the egg and spoon, space hoppers and sprinting before moving to the final events of the afternoon – the more competitive sprints and long distance races. The children were outstanding ambassadors of our school, competing with a lovely attitude towards one another. There were so many examples of our learning behaviours in action.
The afternoon ended with the announcement of our winning teams – Red team for sporting behaviours and Yellow team for overall winning points.
A huge thank you to Miss Holden for organising a wonderful afternoon and to the Bishop Luffa sports leaders for helping us and being excellent role models to our children.