Introducing Sophy Henn - Patron of Reading

Yesterday Sophy Henn made her very first visit to Fishbourne Primary as our Patron of Reading and what an AMAZING day it was.
The children loved meeting Sophy who didn’t stop chattering all day long… not a moment was wasted. Sophy was bursting of energy and happiness from the moment she arrived to the moment she left – she had all the time in the world for our children and staff.
The day started with a bang as Sophy met all the children in assembly… Mrs Webb introduced Sophy to the children and then the magic began! The moment Sophy read ‘Super Duper You’ to the children was utterly magical, you could have heard a pin drop until the moment that the children began to join in with the words… BE BOLD… BE PROUD… BE BRILLAINT. A super-duper you!
We have a special Sophy Henn postbox for the children to have access to Sophy in the gaps between her visits and they will be able to post questions or pieces of writing they would like to share. Sophy will get back to the children via letters and special short films which we will share in assembly. One of the most exciting things of all is that we will be shadowing Sophy on the journey of her newest book idea from its first ideas and jottings in her special notebooks all the way through to publication. WOW! What an amazing opportunity for our children to have such a unique insight into the life of an author and illustrator.
Then Sophy began her tour of the school starting with Reception class who were enraptured and utterly captivated by Sophy. Our Year 1 and 2 children were especially excited as they have already devoured several of Sophy’s books this term. And on she went- how she didn’t lose her voice is beyond us! Our oldest children were equally fascinated by Sophy and had so many fabulous questions.
At the end of the day you might imagine Sophy would be keen to jump in her car and get back to her studio but she stayed on for staff meeting and chatted away with staff who were equally enthralled to listen to her.
We do feel like the luckiest school in the world to have such an amazing Patron of Reading and we are super duper excited about the year ahead.