Celebrating Easter

We have just finished our Easter service in school, beautifully led by our Worship Team who shared a poem about Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
A choir formed of children from Year 5 and 6 sang 'When I survey the wondrous cross' with two stunning solos. Our worship was loud and lively, a real celebration of the Easter story with several new, action packed songs which the children have loved learning.
Prayers were contributed from each year group and shared to close our service. Here is a prayer written by children in Year 6 reflecting the feelings they have on their hearts at the current time. A timely, wise prayer:
Dear Lord God,
Thank you for the world and all the good people here. Thank you for your amazing sacrifice.
Please could you help those in poverty and relieve the burden of worry from people's shoulders.
As human beings, we are sorry for ruining the world with our plastic addiction. Please help us to fix it and make the world a better place.
Please help all politicians to compromise on their disagreements; this would lead to a less tense world.