story Tellers
It was lovely to welcome our Story tellers back to school this half term to share their reflections about our assembly theme: determination.
They told the Parable of the Talents-
The story of a rich man who gave out bags of money to his servants and asked them to use it to make more money. Each of the servants responded in a different way, one used it to make bread to sell and another to buy seeds to plant and grow crops, while another hid the money and didn't use it to do anything. When the rich man returned and asked the servants to share with him the outcome of their efforts, he was delighted with the servants who had been determined to invest the money well.
The Storytellers then reminded our children that determination is one of our core learning behaviours and introduced them to this bible verse from Colossians 3 vs 23:
Work the best you can. Work as if you are doing it for the Lord.