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Thinking Circles

Thinking Circles met again this week to review the draft proposal of the anti-bullying leaflet for children.

Representatives from each class came to share their ideas at our meeting on Friday lunchtime and they were all super at contributing their ideas. The children's overwhelming opinion was that they thought this would be a helpful addition to the materials that we give our children when they start school.

They liked how colourful the leaflet was and the use of illustrations as well as the acronym of STOP used to help define 'Several Times On Purpose' and as reminder to 'Start Telling Other People' if they felt they were being bullied. Older children thought the link to Child Line was helpful as a last resort although they hoped that no one would feel they had to get to this point!

The children liked the quotes from children and adults in school.

The children also had lots of ideas about how to improve the leaflet, including:
-more illustrations especially with younger children in mind
-making reference to our learning behaviours
-including a fun quiz
-making sure that every member of the community had a copy

As you can see they have been reflective in their responses and have given us some super ideas to move forward. If you would like to see a copy of the leaflet in its draft form and contribute your ideas, these can be found outside Mrs Martin's office or do let us know and we can get a copy to you! It will also be available to view at Cuppa and Chat on Friday 8th February at 2.30pm.