It's starting to look a lot like Christmas!

Our amazing team of FOFS volunteers arrived at school on a wet, windy and rather miserable December morning to sprinkle their magic... and didn’t they do an amazing job!
The Craft Room was transformed into a department store jam packed with goodies and Father Christmas came to visit too!
The children shopped until they dropped, spoilt with choice from an amazing array of beautiful gifts chosen with a range of recipients in mind! Then they entered the wrapping zone where they were helped by yet more wonderful volunteers to navigate wrapping papers, sellotape and labels before hurrying back to their classrooms clutching their gifts!
The Christmas Fayre is all about giving children the opportunity to put others first - bringing in money to spend on their family and it’s lovely to see. It doesn’t set out to make tremendous profit but puts the children at the heart of the experience, providing them with very lovely, thoughtfully chosen gifts.
A huge thank you from all of us to the FOFS team, coordinated by Steph Walford.