Chichester Observer Mini Hero Award
At Fishbourne we are proud of all of our young people and love to celebrate what they get up to out of school!
In the summer we told you about Alfie’s amazing fundraising for our school community... a grand total of £1174. Recently Alfie found out he had been shortlisted for Mini Hero and on Thursday Alfie attended the award ceremony and discovered he had won. Do read more about it here-
How amazing! We are so proud of Alfie and delighted to share in these lovely photos from his big night. We celebrated Alfie again in assembly this morning and he very kindly agreed to telling us in his own words about his evening:
Last night I felt very nervous but in the end I did it without any nerves at all. I was inspired by my mum because she is a very good runner, and my mum said do you want to do a run like I normally do so I said yes because I was very confident with my running. I wanted to raise the money because the school is a very good school and when my name was called out Eden got so excited that he flung his arms back behind him and knocked over his j20! Then everyone was cheering for me, I was very shocked because there were 3 other people who could of won it. The other people who won awards were very interesting. And I think the trophy is amazing! Also I really appreciate the assembly that my school gave me it made me feel special.