The Houses of Parliament

From debate in school... To the Houses of Parliament. We were enormously proud of a Year 6 pupil who was asked to represent children with visual impairment at the Houses of Parliament this week, challenging the current state of funding for Local Authorities for children with visual impairment.
To be an ambassador and represent others is a huge privilege in any context. We asked if she could write up about her experience to share with a wider audience and to give her another platform to raise awareness. Please do take a moment to read her account below:
Firstly we got off the tube at Westminster and walked to the entrance to The Houses of Parliament. Then we had to wait in a queue for a long time, afterwards we met our fellow campaigners to eat. Next our group walked through the hall and many stairs to get to the committee room to meet MPs and Lords. I also met a very important man called Lord David Blunkett who is actually blind, so he has a guide dog. I talked to many people about my visual impairment condition including: other children.
I learnt how to use a machine called a Brailler that types a form of writing called Braille it uses a series of bumps so blind people can read it.
It was a long day, however I am proud to represent all the children that are visually impaired in the country.