Modelled Writing

We really enjoyed sharing the children’s learning with you during our review meetings this week and it was brilliant to round the week off with some more great professional development for our teaching team.
On Friday we spent the day carrying out a lesson study- each member of staff had filmed a modelled writing session with either a group or the whole class. Modelled writing involves the adult giving an insight into their thought processes as a writer... it’s like an apprenticeship!
We spent time sharing these films, reflecting on the impact of the teaching strategies being used and identifying the progress that had been made as a result. It was such a valuable day, giving staff time to reflect on their classroom practice and support one another’s development.
Modelled writing is a really effective tool during our learning experiences to support the development of children as writers. We look forward to continue to embed this approach. Look out for examples of modelled writing in learning journals as they come home!